Satellite Products and Services Review Board

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SPSRB Documentation & Data Management Standards

The SPSRB has acknowledged the importance of common and sustainable documentation with the given files. A new template for each of the standard documents is set forth herein that will help guide developers, operations and users with SPSRB products. It is given as a set of 4 major guidelines and coordinating templates to aid in the creation and implementation of products. Formatted to work within the context of content management software, the new standard employs the concept of Document Objects, small sections that can be edited independently and come together to form a whole document. The CSWG is working to provide stakeholders with approved content management software.

All new projects and those undergoing significant revision should employ these new standards for their documentation. Heritage products may retain their previous documentation in the old format and people can refer to the retired template and examples mentioned after the table.

Documentation & Data Management Standards
End of Review Period
Documentation Standard Guidelines
Review Complete
Documentation Standard Templates
Review Complete

The old version of the Documentation Standards Template has been retired by the SPSRB but is still available for reference.

Questions or Comments: Please email Zhaohui Cheng or Priyanka Roy

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