Satellite Products and Services Review Board

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SPSRB Common Standards Working Group Overview

The SPSRB common standards working group (CSWG) recommends standards and best practices to the SPSRB for adoption among the participating organizations. Such standards aid in the transition as satellite products go from research to operations by creating universal baselines for documentation and coding practices.

The process by which a standard is approved is outlined as follows. Documents and standards are drafted cumulatively by the CSWG and approved as a final draft by group member vote. Standards group leaders then formally present the document to the SPSRB process improvement working group (SPIWG) where it undergoes a 30-day period of review. During this period, comments on the document are requested from affiliated personnel. The CSWG then reviews all remarks for potential incorporation into the document. After the 30-day period, the SPSRB is briefed on the resultant document. If deemed acceptable by the SPSRB, the document is approved as an official SPSRB standard and the final document is posted within this webpage. All participating organizations are expected to comply with these approved standards.

Reevaluation and additional comments on all standards are continually encouraged as they are evolving documents. Moreover, the SPSRB common standards working group shall fully review them bi-annually.

Project leads are encouraged to implement the standards into a new project or one where the older code is undergoing a significant update. Existing code will not have to be retrofitted to conform to standards, but the SPSRB intends that new projects as of FY2010 are required to satisfy these standards.

Questions or Comments: Please email Priyanka Roy or Zhaohui Cheng

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